Jasper is getting big as well. He is finally starting to get toilet trained. Dirty diapers really bother him now and he is starting to call us whenever he needs to go to the toilet. Hurray, that will make a noticeable change in the diaper bin... Jasper loves cuddles and is usually all over us, runny nose and all!
Eva is no longer a baby. She's gotten really big and heavy and will have more hair than her dad in just a few weeks I reckon. She has a great personality and an even greater sense of humor! She's laughing an awful lot and finds everything Jeroen & jasper do highly interesting.
We recently bought a walking wagon so now we can take the whole lot walking, and hiking without them (or us for that matter!) getting overly tired. Best thing we got in a long time! It's built like a rock and with the fat tires even walking across the dunes is a piece of cake! Eva is tied to it in her car seat and the boys jump in and out as the please.
On the family side of things all is pretty good. Marieke had surgery on Tuesday to help close the wound of the first surgery. All went as planned and hopefully she'll recover in just a week or so and will no longer need daily wound dressings and bandaging! My dad bought a new puppy. Janna is getting a bit older so now Holle is there to spur her on!
Esther and I are celebrating our fifth anniversary tomorrow and we're taking the kids to a holiday park in the forest. Lots of stuff for them to do, not too far away so hopefully we can all enjoy a nice relaxing long weekend. Looking forward to it!! A lot has happened in those five years though.... 3 kids, 2 years abroad, migrating twice and moving house once more. We both had several jobs. At least till the end of this year we have some stability with the house we live in now and the job I have. After that... we'll see.
Right, that's it for now. I'll try to edit some movie clips and post those a bit later on.
Maarten, Esther, Jeroen, jasper & Eva (still love writing all those names! A great little family indeed!)

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