Esther started having contractions at 1 in the morning and at about 3 something the midwife broke the water and after that it went really fast. Esther had some pretty nasty contractions and Eva's heartrate dropped to a point where an ambulance was called. By the time it got here Eva had recovered and the guys just waited outside. In the end it took just 10 minutes of pushing to get little Eva out. She did really well and so did Esther. No stitches at all this time so she's feeling a lot better than with Jeroen and Jasper and was even considering coming downstairs for tea. (ofcourse we didn't let her)
The boys are extremely excited with their little sister!. jasper woke up first saw the baby and said:" Hey, the baby's here.... can i Kiss it?" Jeroen woke up half an hour later and said: He the baby has been born, is she still wet from being born?" Where he got that information from is a mistery to us.
So as the boys are fast asleep now we've finally got some time together with little Eva. Time for a cup of tea and some cuddles.

wat een rijkdom; een dochter! Geniet van dit wondertje en we komen graag kennismaken met Eva Marieke.
dikke kus
Kel & Marjon
Fantastic news! Congratulations!! Groetjes uit een nog best koud Christchurch, de zomer wil maar niet komen.
Esther and George
Ooh, lieve schatten, wat mooi! Een meisje. Ook heel bijzonder hoor. Fijn dat het zo goed is gegaan.
Hele dikke kus, Adriaan, Femke, Pepijn en Sanne.
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