Friday, November 7, 2008

Salmon fishing

Today we went Salmon fishing at the Anatoki salmon farm. To get there we had to drive across NZ windiest road. And that was no lie. Not a straight piece on it. We went from Motueka to Takaka and you have to cross this big great hill. So we twisted and turned our way from sea level to 800 meters and then down again, I think Cath needs to get her bike over here and do that one. That should give her a workout.... hopefully..,. ;-)

The valley on the other side was absolutely gorgeous. A wide green stretch with rivers winding their way through, patches of popular trees and huge snowcapped mountains on either side. After two days of rain today the weather was perfect. Lots of sunshine with a little chill in the wind.

The Salmon farm was in a beautifull location and was run by a dutch couple. they made the move to NZ 4 years ago. they were really nice and we had a good time chatting with them. But of course there were salmon to be caught as well. Jeroen was really looking forward to catch a fish with me. Sowo got our rod sorted, got a brief talk about how to kill them after you caught them and off we went. It did not take long for us to catch the first fish! Jeroen helped land it and was super exited. then esther had a go. I Took Jasper from his stroller to have a look as well and promply his hat was blown of straight into the water.... Bugger. But, not to worry, we had a rod and reel hadn't we?? So of I went to try and catch myself a hat. Well, that did not quite work out, but in the process I did catch another salmon, twice as big as the first one! Unfortunately we forget to take pictures of that one.

After all that it was time to get the fish prepped and hot smoked on the spot. One with basil and garlic and the other fish with tandori spices. I have to say that was some of the best fish I ever had! Absolutely delicious and a definite recommendation should you ever be in the area!

After that it was some time to play in the sandpit and enjoy the weather. After that time to go back home again. Esther took Jeroen into the swimming pool and that was a big succes. I did not take any pictures but hes really enjoying it and getting braver by the minute, going down to his neck and splashing about.

OK, that's it for today. Wouldn;t want to bore you to death.


Anonymous said...

Hallo lieve luitjes,

Ik had al een hele poos jullie blog niet gecheckt. Wat leuk al die verhalen! Ik reageer niet in het Engels want dat lukt me niet zo goed, haha! Nou, geniet van de laatste dagen en tot snel!!!

Dikke kus,

Anonymous said...

super foto`s zeg geniet nog even en tot zo Marijke

Marieke said...

Nou, ik heb wel zin in een visje! Lukas en ik vroegen ons ook al af wie Queen Charlotte was toe we daar reden. Ik kan me trouwens herinneren dat we daar vorig jaar nog goed verdwaald waren... Nog een paar dagen dan zijn jullie hier. Ik heb al vrij genomen om jullie te verwelkomen. Het zal toch wel even slikken zijn om het Nieuw Zeelandse avontuur over een paar dagen achter te laten. Maar wel met heel wat ervaringen rijker en mooie herinneringen. Geniet er dus nog maar even van. Tot donderdag! Liefs Marieke

Anonymous said...

wederom prachtige foto's!

geniet van de laatste dagen NZ en jullie kunnen in ieder geval terugkijken op een fantastisch avontuur met jullie gezin.

en wij zijn blij dat we jullie daar hebben kunnen opzoeken. Dat blijven we overigens doen, ook weer in Nederland.

goede vlucht en tot snel (klinkt goed he)

Anonymous said...

nog fijne dagen,
goede vlucht
en tot snel,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Het was heerlijk er bij te mogen zijn toen jullie weer op neerlands grond aankwamen rust goed uit en tot ziens lieve groet Marijke